You already know that honey has many health benefits. The honey composition differently, depending on the source of interest, time, processing, and others.
Other honey, have up to two hundred types of components, mainly 70-80% carbohydrates. In addition to carbohydrates, honey also contains organic acids, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, and minerals.
It is not surprising, since the first, honey has been used to treat a variety of diseases, including burns and other skin diseases. This tradition was later replaced by modern therapy in the form of a strip of gauze and a variety of antibiotic agents.
Now, with the emergence of antibiotic resistance, honey back 'up', liquidation therapy options. In ulcers, honey promotes healing by inhibiting the growth of germs at the drinker's location.
Honey also has anti-inflammatory effects that reduce wound pain, especially buccal candidiasis. In addition, honey has been able to help absorb toxins from mucous ulcers and pus, so the healing process can work well.
These benefits are supported by a study in Baghdad in 2008 that compared the efficacy of honey with triamcinolone acetate in the treatment of candidiasis. The result says that compared to triamcinolone, honey has a greater potential to accelerate the healing process of oral ulcers.
Now that you know the benefits of honey for the treatment of mouth ulcers. So how do I use it? It is easy, just apply the honey in the location of the mouth ulcers.
Although it has a lot of modern medicine, it would not be bad to make traditional medicine as complementary. Consult your grievance doctor for the best combination of treatment options.
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